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Aita reddit controversial husband

He is being raised by my best friend Lorie (36F) and her mother Annie (56F). It's telling that your husband did not mind when you were being put down, but is now angry because his family will "look down on him". Yeah it’s not even just an issue with the husband staying there, it’s putting women and men together in a house with shared spaces like bathrooms. Key-Hovercraft-8396. He has 2 kids 28-Madison and 26-Brett. Harry and I have been married for a year and two days and I'm pregnant with our first child. Jun 29, 2024 · That remind me another post where the husband never ask anything about his wife life. That because of our fight, 12 years ago, he wouldn’t want any confrontations. Then you can enjoy your home children and weekends to relax all with and one less giant child to care for. I ( Carla 30) am six months pregnant with my husband's ( Harry 31) baby. (I do have eyes. My husband (36m) and I (36f) are pregnant and expecting in a few months we'd been together for two years He has a daughter (10) from a previous relationship that lives with us full time. AITA for telling my husband we have different priorities than his 30th birthday? Asshole. He’s the one who should have set boundaries with her and kept them. It's only because one of the husband friend congratulate him for his wife promotion that he threw a fit. Just be sure to enforce the consequences if he ignores the boundary you've set. The other issue is the fact that your husband has lied by omission this entire time. He had plenty of time to realize that I'm not good enough for him and break up with me to find a woman who has what he’s looking for. She is an unpleasant and pushy woman and none of her own daughters have allowed her near them when they gave birth. A small bin of "grandparent stuff" is reasonable so they don't have to schlepp stuff back and forth, effectively moving in is not. My husband and I have a 3 yo and a 1 yo who both go to a daycare up the street. Hell Zegna shirts cost more than double. Even though, we’ve never had one at any time since our one argument 12 The husband drove a freaking Harley Davidson pickup truck, I didn’t even know you could GET a Harley Davidson truck. Randy got a Japanese Toilet, started bragging about it and campaigned for toilet reform. My daughter was screaming and the dog had whale eyes, trying to kick out of my husband's arms to get to the baby while throat It came with a nice bump in pay which could really help us out financially. In April he was on a business trip for a few weeks, while I held down the fort (working remotely while taking care of baby). 11 asked for his chicken and husband brings him a wing. I'm tired of you blatantly ignoring your own man to get attention from mine. I will be honest, I don’t like Alison. We pretty much got into a heated debate because for the first time I called him controlling just because of a show. Work. We can fight it out in court about the rest. I (32 female) and my husband (38 male) We've been married for 10 years. He needs to give up the marathon poops until after the kids are in bed and just get clean really fast. My husband is tired of it, and from what I can tell,so is your husband. I just have a secret I kept from Rick. He pointed out the issue with your dress and asked you not to wear it. Your money needs to be protected so you can support your baby and you. I had been super chill throughout the whole wedding planning, and during the actual event. I got upset and said, I’m the NTA, you need to separate your accounts immediately. You need to sit down and have another in depth conversation with him. My (F20s) Husband (M20s) has long life pets from his childhood that moved in when we moved in together a few years ago, (Parrot, Tortoise,). AITA for leaving my husband for a Christmas trip to Hawaii with our kids. Not the A-hole. Our house, he had 10 years before I entered the relationship and ADMIN MOD. Last week, he randomly asked me if I liked eating s’mores. So my phone was charging on the nightstand. She left crying and we haven't talked since then. I reminded him that we dated for 5 years before we got married. We’ve been together for 4 years, married for 2. AITA for demanding my husband returns my engagement ring to the store because he is making me pay for it through our joint account? My husband (30M) and I (28F) have been married for just under 3 months and have been having a huge argument about my engagement ring. Trigger warning: this post mentions hired help at home. My mother-in-law wants to be in the room when I give birth. I (40F) have a wonderful, loving husband (40M). A few days ago my ex-husband mistakenly transferred two payments of 8700 and 9275. Your husband clearly still doesn't understand that you work harder or just don't have the time like he thinks you do. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Husband ordered and picked it up. He called my husband a couple weeks ago and told him about the trip, and my husband told him that we would love to go. After me and my husband had kids we had to reorganize our family Christmas plans because his parents When I walked inside, my husband was holding the dog in his arms, my MIL was holding my baby and they were putting them close together, saying "aww, you love the baby" or "aww you love the doggy, be easy with the doggy". Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced ADMIN MOD. At the same time, it is reasonable for him to want to shower. And we have all sorts of nicknames for him. (I worked before kids and intend to again once ADMIN. I can see your husband being too proud to want to get advice from a family member. I (29f) traveled across the country to visit a company regarding an incredible job offer. Your friends telling you that you are overreacting should not be your friends. I spent two days touring the company to decide if it would be the right fit for me after years of self-employment. Stay with your sister until you get a genuine apology. AITA: Husband thinks I don’t do enough around the house because I sit down. My husband's late wife died 1 year before we met and we dated for 2 years before marriage. AITA for not hearing my husband yell up the stairs to get my attention? Not the A-hole. AITA for telling my husband to "Deal with it". OP’s husband should keep that AITA for ignoring my husband. I have a son Weston (14M) who I had, when I was 19. Honestly, we call him Bubba more than David but my husband not only gets to carry on his family name but his dad’s name too. AITA for not appreciating the surprise getaway my husband planned? Not the A-hole. My husband has brought up the sup Jeve of divorce, again. They are my whole world, and I love my family so much. For goodness sake the man typed the shopping list on the computer in order of the shopping aisles. She got her diploma, find a new job and got a promotion. Here are the best ones from this year. Wether they’re separate or combined you guys need to be on the same page as a couple. Jun 28, 2024 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. At the party, Dan was introduced to my husband as my ex. It's years of happy memories with her, with my mother and other female relatives, friends. The daycare hosts a book fair and I told my husband when we picked them up today I want to buy them each a book of their choice. AITA for kicking my friend and her husband out for eating/wasting my food? Advice Needed. UPDATE. Go to AmItheAsshole. For the context, I lived in a family so poor that we often lacked the most basic things (like food)and I have had after-effects, like Joey in Friends, Alice doesn't share food !!! My husband thinks that food should be shared and most of the time, I manage to control myself You didn’t yell at him in front of his family. My husband was very much against it because of the changes it would make to our day-to-day lives. So how is that different from me watching a "lame" show for 2 hours. You may not be wrong in keeping the pictures offline, but YTA. AITA for telling my husband he poops too much? Not the A-hole. To set the stage I’d like to point out that today I bought myself the AirPods Pro 2 for my birthday as a gift to myself because my previous ones were malfunctioning to the point that I could no longer use them anymore. I 32F am married to Alex 30M. Be blunt with her. Pretty funny episode. Currently, I am the primary breadwinner, working a well-paying job while my husband is between jobs and taking care of our home. I told my husband that T is not welcome here, and he said OK; no argument from hubby whatsoever. At the same time my 4 children were at my parents and so I We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It's been 5 months since I changed hours and my husband hates it. For context, we CAN afford one. I (F34) made the mistake of allowing my best friend (Mary F33) , her husband (Karl M27) and two kids to crash at my place after showing up without being invited. So people of reddit AITA for implying that he is controlling when he wanted me to stop watching the show. 3. Then you see the pictures and surprise it's as he stated. Each of these sessions is at least 20 minutes, and I know he is actually pooping NTA. That he left you with children to wrangle that weren't even yours, on a day that should be celebrating you while he did things that he wanted to do. AITA for snapping at my SIL after she kept insulting my husband? Not the A-hole. We've got two kids, aged 6 and 3, a solid routine, and life is generally good. When the average median income in the US is $64,240 after taxes and the median mortgage is $1600 (so, $19,200 annually), bringing the after tax average to $45k, $260 on a shirt is a lot. I’d take my husband to work, take our daughter to school, go home, clean up, get ready for my job, go to work, on lunch take the car to my husband who got off, he takes me back to work, then he gets our daughter from school and then when I got off he would get me. We work opposite shifts so we only have two days off a month where we are both not working. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! Dec 7, 2022 · With r/AmItheA**hole acting as a “catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us,” the stories submitted to this subreddit can bring forth angry mobs from all corners of the internet to place judgment. 11 starts crying because he eats drumsticks, like Come to find out, my husband never actually told him that he could live or even stay with us; he told him to get on a bus and go someplace better, not specifically here. NTA. It was so. r/AmItheAsshole. AITA for canceling our anniversary trip because my husband drowned my terrarium? Not the A-hole. I've saved up to 8,000 in my account and since my husband hasn't worked since 2020, I'm trying to balance rent and utilities payments. Note I am not calling them my stepkids because they explicitly told me I am not their stepmom, just their dad's wife. The both of you can agree on a certain about to go into a shared account for family funds, and your husband can have the rest of his money to do whatever he wishes. So me and my husband have been tother for 8 years, married for 7. Her husband keeps reminding me (while repeatedly calling Carol a toxic snake) of the date of the next cycle saying they can't have it after I took the money that was Not the A-hole. During this pregnancy, I've been very exhausted everyday and would usually come home from work and go to bed an hour later, then I'd An argument ensued and her husband thought I wasn't being supportive of her like when she supported me throughtout my struggles. 21 August 2013 - Mansplaining (a blend word of man and the informal form splaining of the gerund explaining) is a pejorative term meaning " (for a man) to comment on or explain something, to a woman, in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner". No A-holes here. AITA for being livid at my (now) husband? Not the A-hole. She showed up for a visit and later complained that it was too late Season 26 episode 3 - Japanese Toilet. I explained to him that documents his cousin requested are not required neither for organising care nor funeral. I’ll note that these have twice the Asshole. I decided not to wake them up and I discussed it with my husband (34M) and the possibility that our son might be gay came up. Update May 14, 2024. I'm 44F, husband is 44M, sons are 11 and 13. Hello everyone! Ive shown this to my husband to open up his mind a little and he apologized. I do work from home, which is great, and he has off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, so he watches her, while I work upstairs. My husband poops several times a day. I am upset and think my husband is being selfish right now. That way he can care for them, hang with his friends, take the kids on the weekends and do whatever he wants to do with no consideration of you. I don’t understand why people think vegan food is inherently bad - if you’re eating mostly unprocessed foods, a lot of it is vegan by default. "I'm not chill. My husband made a comment that it’s a tradition to take our daughter out and get me candy or a teddy or flowers. We both work remotely. EmphasisExisting54. Fruits, vegetables, greens, grains, nuts, oils. you were RIGHT to tell your husband about your MIL's abuse. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I saw that price tag ($3500) and my brain went into "nah" mode. This was an important event for your husband. 11 had some medical procedures today and asked for takeout from one of his favorite restaurants. He’s right I’m flat chested but I have a nice body overall). My husband cleans and carries the mental load. So, my husband, let's call him Mike, and I live near the coast in our cozy two-bedroom apartment. I'm sick of you hanging off my husband and acting like I'm not here. Your MIL is the one that was unnecessarily rude and props to your husband for standing up for you. But it's not just a tea set. I had been so broken up about our son's stillbirth and a part of me had felt it was my fault, and now he my husband was, the love of my life, telling me that it was. He said fine. I initially declined the offer but they countered with an even higher pay bump, so I took it. Our house, he had 10 years before I entered the relationship and I don’t understand why people think vegan food is inherently bad - if you’re eating mostly unprocessed foods, a lot of it is vegan by default. He never hauled anything with it either, though he did use it once to play chicken with his SIL’s car on the road into the valley the ranch was in. AITA for hanging up on my husband? Not the A-hole. My father was in a very lengthy heart surgery today, my husband kept pressing me about the weekend and wanted to know specifics as he wanted to head to the lake to open up for the season as well as figure out mother’s day on Sunday. Much. He makes 2-3 trips to the bathroom in the morning (right after waking up + right after breakfast), then at least three more times throughout the day. We were discussing my birth plan with my nurse, and I plan on giving birth in a hospital based birth Mansplaining - Wikipedia. I have a SIL, “Alison”, who is married to my brother “Harvey”. I didn’t take into consideration that my husband didn’t want to move in with his parents and told him I would move in with them even if he didn’t want to which forced him to move too. He did this at around 7:40am in the morning and I didn’t notice because I had just worked a double/night shift and was getting ready for bed. I guess this post breaks the rules on amitheasshole. Stan gets shit from everyone at school because they think he's bragging about being rich. But every year, Mike’s sister, let’s call her Lisa, descends upon our home like a tornado with her two uncontrollable kids, aged 7 and 9, turning our peaceful home Your husband should have shut down all this stuff with Kyla years ago. We were at a small house party with a few friends of mine from college and we were discussing books we’ve all read, when at one point one of my friends (let’s call him AITA for telling my husband that he has to let my dad witness his colonoscopy? NSFW. Here are some of the most controversial stories from Reddit that even made us think twice about who to side with. During the dinner, my husband seemed distant and so I asked him again if Your husband wants you to stand up for yourself and you did. Women work more than 3 jobs for their family of they have kids. (for context “today” is Tuesday) The lake . You both need to give…you need to give the least and give him ten minutes to take a quick shower. I wasn’t invited. I do love pets and as these are my husband's I never wanted to say "Get rid of the pets. Everytime something doesn't go his way he brings up divorce. You wore the dress anyway so you got what you wanted. ADMIN MOD. Photo: Reddit. In the past I have miscarried so we are keeping this pregnancy a secret ADMIN MOD. When I got married my mother came to me privately and talked about setting aside money as a rainy day/ escape fund if worst came to worst. only difference is that all his friends are well off and they can afford expensive golfing gear and trips. We both come from humble backgrounds, but we've worked hard to build a comfortable life together. I am currently three months pregnant and this pregnancy has been really hard on me. Recently, my ex-husband (35M) and I (33F) experienced the devastating loss of our son. Then his brother told him that I couldn’t come. While I initially agreed with my husband's suggestion We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He stole all that from me when he gave it away. My husband 27m and I are both incredibly excited. We’ve done it every year since I can remember and it’s a fun family tradition for me. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. It makes shopping so much easier! Depends on the man. Apr 18, 2024 · Within maybe 5-10 minutes of sitting there, trying to hold back tears because my husband left me alone on our flight during our honeymoon (and uses MY points for his upgrade no less), he starts to text me saying he feels anxiety over flying. Few months before I met Rick. Tell him to move in with his parents while he pays off his debt. In the midst of our grief, we found comfort in each other's presence and shared memories. For the past month, my husband (27 M) and I (28 F) have been in a rut. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have AITA for telling my husband I am upset he made lunch plans with his friend the day before my c-section, didn’t tell me until the last minute and didn’t consider inviting me Not the A-hole I (31f) am 9 months pregnant with our first child and am booked in for a Caesarian tomorrow at 7:30am. AITA for telling my Husband our son was gay? Not the A-hole. Some people prefer quality. It came with a nice bump in pay which could really help us out financially. Setting a boundary as you did was appropriate, and it's about all you can do. Turns out he already put a demo reservation at the Grove on Friday and the demo is on Monday. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ r/AmItheAsshole. AITA for wanting my wife to call me 'husband' instead of 'partner'? I (M32) and my wife (F31) have been married for 5 years and have a two-year-old son. I called him an idiot on accident for doing that. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I made the decision to move in with my in-laws. My (33F) husband (30M) and I got married last week. AITA? My husband is threatening divorce…. My husband (42m) and I (35f) had a son last year, so this is my first Mother’s Day. I (41f) and my husband (38m) have a two year old daughter. 1. I said I don’t care for them and rarely do I ever crave them. My husband is a golf enthusiast, and so are his friends. $250 is not expensive for a nice men’s shirt. When I came back, my husband seemed a little off and when I asked him what was wrong he just brushed it off and wouldn't answer me. She says that husband/wife is a role that anyone can have, but she believes that I'm I 34F have recently ran into a situation with my husband 37M and am curious about if I am the AH here or not. Not all men. Reply reply. It was my sister who introduced them while I was in the kitchen speaking to family. Like I wonder how he justifies the double standard. You are not staying at home in part because their son does not earn enough for you to stay at home. How They Reacted To Their Fiancé Surprising Them With “Their” Dream House. If you’re going to whine about me being rich or whatever, keep scrolling (it happened on another post) My husband and I both work. AITA - husband ruins book buying. Of course you're going to communicate to your husband why you were upset, that's part of being honest and having a good relationship. Background: My husband (let’s call him Will) is in the Navy, and he works on nuclear reactors on submarines. At the same time my 4 children were at my parents and so I Husband's forget that we have multiple jobs that were doing while they just do one. You, on the other hand, get to treat him like he's a little boy and he can be punished with divorce. He is an involved father, he pitches in with the housework, and he makes enough money for us to be very comfortable while I stay home with our two young children. AITA for being upset my husband “ruined” Mother’s Day? A couple weeks ago I told my husband I wanted a bird feeder with a camera for Mother’s Day. Every year my family spends our Christmas in Hawaii. The big mistake here is that your husband, while being wrong for what he did, is actually letting you get away with threatening divorce over this. NTA but separating the finances won’t make the issues go away. Sit him down and tell him what an utter dissapointment this mothers day was because all he did was do things that HE wanted and what were fun for HIM. And sure enough, we had a boy a year later and his name is David. He’s cutting his daughter off. I make almost 4x what he does, because he recently switched careers ADMIN MOD. You may want to ask yourself why he didn’t. MOD. During the funeral service, I reached out and held my ex-husband's hand for support, which seemed natural given the circumstances. My husband is a good man, but is kind of stubborn and is a know it all at times. OP had the best solutions and I have heard and read someone say a cleaner is cheaper than a divorce. However, his current wife (34F) said Forsaken_Quantity_10. I ignore the texts and stop looking at my phone. Ive 38F been married to my husband Rob 52M for 4 years now. Update- "AITA for shouting at my husband at a family gathering" : r/AmItheAsshole. So not letting him showering isn’t the answer. He said he needed time to think for days and came up with a solution. We’ve been arguing about so many trivial things. My husband is on a low income and for any extra expenses I need to do overtime as he is not able to get any at his work. However, he’s constantly asking me what to do with her I (33F) have a husband Rick (34M) and we have two daughters May (11F) and Vicky (8F). His mother my mil had to move in with us because she can no longer live on her own she is mentally ( schizophrenic) and physically disabled. I've been told that I'm an asshole to leave him over a tea set. However, there's something that bothers me: she always introduces me as her partner and not as her husband. Unless each room has a lock and an en suite restroom the way a hotel would, I would hesitate to rent that accommodation. Including send to his family. AITA for being upset by my husband’s solo vacation travel. She has a negative opinion about everything, but I (28F) have been married to my husband (32M) for three years. You rightfully told off everyone in that room making horrible comments about something that is none of their business. It's my Nana's history, it's my history. There's a Japanese toilet song. He probably feels embarrassed but he needs to get over it for the sake of your future. Get a mid-sized bin (like a 50 gallon tub from Target) and let then know that now that the baby is on the way, you obviously need to remove most of their stuff but they're totally welcome to still keep this amount of essentials at your house! AITA for telling my husband not to go to his family bbq : r/AmItheAsshole. Because I know sh*t happens and if anything goes wrong, or not exactly how we wanted, it's not that big of a deal Mar 19, 2024 · However, sometimes the situations are more complicated than that and it splits the crowd. I happily agreed out of respect for my husband and our soon to be marriage. AITA for telling my husband our house isn't perfect and to stop being picky. He has stated that she will continue to r/AmItheAsshole. AITA for telling my husband he gets no say in how i give birth. " as I firmly believe a pet it for life, unless extreme circumstances. AITA for asking my husband if he did anything for Mother’s Day. The “meat/cheese/dairy replacement” options can be horrendous, but aside from those, it’s just food. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. I love my little David. My husband is a gambling addict and when he is not gambling he turns towards drink. You can't force him to do anything about his health, but you also don't have to be an audience member to his preventable decline and demise. (I worked before kids and intend to again once UPDATE: AITA is told my husband to stop supporting his adult daughter. He brought up the surgery again and I snapped at him. The boys picked out their books and while we were in line to pay, our 3 yo changed his We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She was a college student when she stopped updated him. I called my husband to ask him to order because I was driving. It’s his responsibility since she’s his friend. I 25f am 7 months pregnant with our first child. My brother immediately stepped in and tried to get my husband to calm down but my husband shoved my brother, so my brother instead pulled me inside where I cried in the living room Been there! We had one car. I (32F) caught my son (15M) cuddling with his friend (15M) while they were sleeping in their room. He told me he's calling out of work to test and taking my son out of school for it. She’s the most negative, bitter person I’ve ever had to spend more than an hour with. wq kh jp hy wq wi uz jf jx lq