Pyqt5 close window and open another

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ui2 , depends on what you need to do with Feb 7, 2013 · dlg = Acceuil_start. Since you need to know when the second window has been closed using the "back" button, create a custom signal for the second window that will be emitted whenever the function that is called by the button is closed. Now, let’s get our hands dirty and play with the PyQt5 widgets. The function is self. Accepted, or QDialog. exec_()) Mar 2, 2018 · 2. Apr 28, 2021 · You can destroy the previous window and start a new window using Tk class Here is an example. Feb 25, 2017 · I've linked another file to a pushButton in my main window. So when you click the next button this function is called so an object is created for the next window and the window will be opened. from random import randint. replied to ceciacd79 on 9 Mar 2020, 01:14 3 Sep 2020, 08:15. Nov 26, 2015 · I think there are several issues with the code that you've posted. isHidden() always returns False. Possibly my suggested way (examine values on dialog upon return), possibly @jsulm way (signals/slots). show() it works well, but on the TCrudUsuario class, I have some buttons that connects to a method with arguments, so I'm using a lambda (tried with Oct 22, 2019 · This code uses QStackedWidget to replace content in one window. exec_() """code: gets the value of the QDialog. You have other problems with your code, but this explains why the window disappears. Oct 18, 2019 · Hi in my application I have main windows and when a data comes from another thread, I need to show it in another screen for 2 seconds and then go back to previous screen. Jul 18, 2018 · Fox example, first I type in "2" in spin box then click the button. cmds as cmds. Nov 27, 2009 · You must call __init__ methon from base class (name in parenthesis ' ()') QDialog have two useful routins: First wait for closing dialog and then you can access any field form dialog. @Harborman said in Closing all window instances when MainWindow () is closed: I just don't know how to tie them to the default close button. First you will need to import the form. PS: I'm a newcomer here. What I have not decided is whether it should return the value of login to the parent window or another window. But this is not the behavior I need. The window will now stay open for the lifetime of MainWindow unless you close it. So if something bad happens, you get a nonzero exit code. QWidget() and main. Nov 9, 2018 · user-interface. pyqt5. show() sys. closeEvent = lambda event:self. main = qt. layout. dlg. Creating a QAction and adding it to the window to If you want to display a new window of a view designed based on QMainWindow it is necessary to pass a QWidget parent. If you want to implement closeEvent in windows, create a class that uses the window view ( Ui_xxx) and inherits from QWidget. countrywindow. #4. class ui_MainWindow(object): Sep 19, 2021 · Load a Qt Designer . Feb 12, 2012 · def closeEvent(self, event): # do stuff. Right now, I have a main window and I want to open another login window on button push. close () method whenever we want to close the window or by some following ways: Calling the . I've managed to call show, then exec_ it fixes my issue that way. QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow. It has two functions to create two widgets with content - and they are put in stack QStackedWidget. user_input. title("title") root. Dec 20, 2022 · Your computation is wrong: window_width is equal to screen_resolution. exec()): self. when declaring the second window class, before init, declare your signal: class SecondWindow(QMainWindow): Aug 24, 2020 · window = UI_Start() window. show(). destroy() window2_main = Tk() Label(window2_main, text="Bye Bye"). form = Main(text) Yes, it work for this example. However, it will only work properly if the second window is top-level (i. Oct 13, 2020 · app. Buy Me a Coffee? Your support is much appreciated!PayPal Me i have two files mainWindow. countrywindow) self. Dec 23, 2022 · Welcome; in this tutorial, I explain how to open a new GUI window from an existing one in PyQt5. This line of code sys. The case of QMainWindow is special since you do not have to establish a layout, it has a predefined one: What you must do is create a central widget and to that establish the layout: from PyQt5. fromUtf8. Dec 19, 2014 · Here is the Image link : and I want to launch this windows when I click on currency button. After that when clicking on the "Ok" Button, the second window will be closed and the written number will be shown in the label, which was existed in the initial window. Nov 9, 2018 at 12:06. show() return window and then opened a new window as. show() self. Subscribe to the channel, Thanks!You can purchase my Ebook: main. from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui. But the next line calls sys. Drag a label widget from the widget box on the Jul 4, 2023 · hello there, First of all, i want to thank you for such a quick Response I didn't expect such a quick response. widget. destroy(), and there was a small chance that, when I closed all the program and having no windows, the interpreter was still running and I needed to terminate the process manually, even when using sys. pack() root. – ekhumoro. @eyllanesc right. this ->close (); m=new Market; m ->setWindowFlags ( Qt::Window ); Jun 4, 2020 · In this #PyQt5 tutorial, we are going to learn how to pass information from one window to another. exec_()) means that after app closes (executes), you will also immediately call the sys. Feb 5, 2018 · For PyQt5: There is 2 options in my solution, first one is for the "x" button, second one is for menu button, decide which better for you. This is my homewindow code: from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui import sys from close import Ui_Form. . textChanged ), the new text is set as the content of the Feb 16, 2016 · Then, create the first real window as a Toplevel. Rejected that you Feb 12, 2017 · when using . window. Apr 12, 2018 · What happens is that the instance form is different from the instance self. if can_exit: event. quit () Only number 1 works. Mar 6, 2020 · JonB. connect (QtWidgets. In order to display a window from another it is necessary to pass a parent as a parameter. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Apr 20, 2021 · I am trying to create a Pyqt5 file to open another window with the click of Push for Window button and also to open an image when Process button is clicked. Have a class singleton that will hold the class's instance. py", line 52, in <module>. exit(segmentation. aboutToQuit. Jul 17, 2022 · JonB. change your changeToRed function so it will except the event too: def changeToRed(self, e): Feb 9, 2018 · 1. The code below is an example of my original code. from dialog import Ui_Dialog as Form and Then create a function that will open the dialog: def open_dialog(self): dialog = QtWidgets. segmentation = qt. that wouldn't be a good solution if it wasn't just the welcome screen. setWidget(self. connect (self. connect(myExitHandler) # myExitHandler is a callable. exit() but this closes all my windows and I just want to be closed a specific one. Oct 20, 2017 · My program opens another window from it, but, after used, I want this window to be closed automatically. Here is my main program code: from PyQt5. As to which slot to connect that signal to, it's sort of up to you, you could have a global level function, or subclass Oct 6, 2021 · You can use the same principle for creating multiple windows -- as long as you keep a reference to the window, things will work as expected. closeActiveSubWindow(). Jan 29, 2021 · Basically, you should create a signal in the second window that will be emitted when the close event happens, and connect this signal to a slot in the first window. I have created 2 windows, win1 and win2, using qt designer and have added two buttons: btn_open_win2 to open win2 from win1 and btn_close to close win2. I remember doing this in my code but didn't work so I deliberately set it to None. ui file. Devinou971. See the documentation. I fiddled with the code copied from this question: PyQT on click open new window, and I wrote this code: Nov 23, 2021 · To avoid that, you can cycle all windows using QApplication. Here is a contrived example: import tkinter as tk. I'm making a GUI using pyqt5 and I have two windows. setWindowTitle("Admin") ui. To be able to close or cancel an opened dialog box, using only self. accept() # let the window close. from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets. We’ll also briefly learn about signal and slot. The simplest approach is to create a separate method to toggle the display of each of the windows. After some research, I found out it was because I had already already made a Nov 14, 2015 · When you close the top-level window (or call quit() on the application), the event-loop will stop, exec_() will return, and the main() function will continue. QString. connect(self. I'm having a problem with pyqt5. def replace_window(root): """Destroy current window, create new window""". I recently changed from tkinter to Pyqt5 as I'm developing a semi-large application in Python 3. exit() will quit the program if you pass an integer to it. topLevelWidgets(); windows ignoring the closeEvent will still keep themselves open, but all the others will be closed: def closeEvent(self, event): for window in QApplication. exit() call, which must wait for exec_() to return If you are using QDialog you should call exec_() instead of show(), this will return a value when the user closes the window, and just call refresh project. It would be much better if you simply created 1 main window, with a QStackedWidget and put the different controls and widgets on different tabs of the stacked widget and just switch between them in the same window. sys. Sep 23, 2016 · 1. You need to emit the signal like this: self. screens(). The closeEvent method has the classes that inherit from QWidget, in which case the daughter classes Sub1, Ui_subVen1, Ui_subVen2 inherit from object, not from QWidget. ui file and returns an instance of the user interface. close() I named to "closeIt" on purpose because if you name it "close" a conflict will occur. exec_()) You say that you're facing this issue after about 50 windows opened, but according to your code there's no way to achieve that (since you always close the current window before showing the next one); also, there's no code related to UI_Scan. You can make win a member of MainWindow by using self. I wrote the following code but it writes 0 in the label and doesnt update. from main_screen import mainscreen. from sample_countrypage import Countrypage. Start(), I got the following error: QCoreApplication::exec: The event loop is already running. show() Jun 1, 2019 · I'm using PyQt5 QWebEngineView to show a website on the window that supports basic functionalities like opening a new window. close () method on that window. connection] Whenever the text of the main window is changed ( MainWindow. close () method. QtCore import *. import maya. exec_()), which restarts the event-loop, and pauses the main() function again - including the sys. open_newWindow() where I could simply use Jul 26, 2021 · you can check the isHidden() method. geometry("800x500") def window2(): root. ├── login. windows. py", line 27, in __init__. In the example, two windows are created and two connections are established: [1. Oct 3, 2016 · def doSomething(self): window = ExampleApp() window. Step1: in the Main Class needs to be build a "connection": self. When executing the python script, this does exactly what you tell it to: Create an application. First File. The easiest way to close a window is to click the ‘X’ button on the right (Windows) or left (macOS) of the title bar. quit () QCoreApplication. All I could find on the internet was buttons opening another window all together. mynewwindow = w. mainwindow. close() edited Nov 23, 2021 at 19:09. One way to solve this is to use another class as a controller for all of the windows you want to show. When I run win2 directly the close method works correctly but when I run win1 and call win2 from it, the close button on win2 doesn't operate correctly. py, and executed via calling function second_window ()) and close the first window. 12. I know it's over 5months but I choose to drop this comment here, it might be of help to others tomorrow. : By changing the two Qlinedit or Qslide I would like to update the values in the main. new_project_window = project_new_window. import with: from PyQt5. Binding to a PushButton to trigger the . from PyQt4 import QtGui. def openLogin(self): Apr 21, 2016 · I have a window which contains one button (Class First) and I want on pressed, a second blank window to be appeared (Class Second). from tkinter import * from tkinter. directory, self. I'm trying to get a variable selected from the list to be sent back to the main window and then close the second window when the ok button is pressed. Also you may want to set the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose attribute on this window, to make sure it will be deleted once it is closed. setupUi(MainWindow) MainWindow. 8. Having trouble opening multiple windows in PyQt5. instance (). If I change the number in spin box to 3 then click the button, the original 2 windows will be closed and 3 new windows will show up. argv) myclass = MyClass() myclass. I know that the problem arises from Mar 29, 2020 · I wanted to open a new window by clicking on the pushbutton and type a number in the new window. close would close the entire program. └── main. isHidden() returns false depending on the situation, as isHidden() is not always the opposite of isVisible(). It may be a different function, it may be a setting of the main program anything is possible. 7. withdraw() current_window = None. newLib() in the NewLibrary constructor. Suppose that the QPushButton is inside the main widget (in the example QWidget ), to close the window we use the close() print ('Starting Program') w. argv) creates the actual application. window = MainWindow(self) window. When I imported the module in import Test and ran test. import sys,os. I have written the following code, but the main window is not hiding after the button is clicked. May 22, 2021 · How to close the second/Subwindow file properly and re-open the same from the first file. How do I close it or hide it without affecting the new window. The other two makes the dialog box white and it flashes then hangs and I cannot even switch to other Jul 1, 2015 · 2. Then 2 new windows will show up. Jun 19, 2020 · #PyQt5 #NewWindow #Button #Clicked Aug 25, 2015 · You can't do self. exit() function. exec_() is the method of QApplication that run an event loop, which will close and return a number (0 or something). pack() window2_main. open() but for window. @JosefGschwentner. Is that possible? I've already tried using sys. For example, when we open file dialog, we cannot switch to the main window and the main window is not clickable. Then, you can use signals to pass data back and forth between the main (GUI) thread and the Worker thread, and to trigger events (like popping up a dialog in the Sep 23, 2021 · The solution is to use signals and slots. @ceciacd79 said in PyQT pass data between windows, and run script in second window. ├── dashboard. Otherwise a new instance of the base class is automatically created. setCurrentIndex(1) to show widget with time. close() (or what window do you want to close. setCurrentIndex(0) to show widget with calendara and button which runs function with self. py behind an if __name__ block, like so: Jun 27, 2020 · 1. We can simply achieve this by calling the . exec_()) A little bit of detail of what's going on here. root = tk. class hijaSub1(QtWidgets. So you may want to change your code to this: {. exit () QApplication. exec_()) What you can do is define a function that does all the above, and then do whatever you want after the call to app. StartQT4() dlg. closeEvent(event) Mar 21, 2018 · I want to show new window and hide current, but the icon in the taskbar is not showing. if it doesn't have a parent). QtWidgets import *. Must be change self. Mar 31, 2018 · 2. I want the button click to both open a second window (imported from the file second_screen. baseinstance – the optional instance of the Qt base class. Tk() root. From Qt docs: The QDialog class is the base class of dialog windows. . com Aug 17, 2017 · Also, to make it exit I can answer my own question. If these are two distinct main windows, you might find it easier to just invoke another Sep 1, 2018 · So how I am able to close the second window without affecting the first one. py to act like a dialog, rather than a main window. qApp = QtGui. __init__(parent) Jul 19, 2020 · There is no parent set and no pointer kept for window so it gets created during the function and then is immediately destroyed and garbage collected when the function returns. Code: def __init__(self, list, parent=None): super(). addSubWindow(subwindow) subwindow. My code works fine for window. Related course: Create Desktop Apps with Python PyQt5. replied to Harborman on 18 Jul 2022, 13:14. Or use application/main window eventFilter. Now let's see how to close the window through programming. exec_()) So, my first window will be opened by the __main__, which creates the window using OOP. ui = Form() dialog. mainloop() Feb 15, 2021 · Okey so the problem in your case was with the sys. addWidget(self. crud = TCrudUsuario() crud. Here's one way you can go about it. button) Mar 28, 2019 · The only thing that really closes the window is by clicking the x (close) at the window itself. setupUi(dialog) dialog. _fromUtf8 = QtCore. Also, desktop() is obsolete, and you should use QGuiApplication. QtCore import pyqtSignal. uifile ( str) – the file name or file-like object containing the . QMainWindow): Jan 23, 2013 · I'm new to PyQT and I'm looking for a code that demonstrates a simple push button, which when clicked will open a new small window with QTextEdit in it 1. argv) Nov 20, 2019 · When I try just to import Main() class with the second window in the file with first window, second window starts to open when I run the first file and I don't even see the first window. 0. All you need is to add the connection between the close event and the function that turn your main screen red: self. py and connection. py. Dec 2, 2020 · self. Currently the second window will not close. topLevelWidgets(): window. user8026974. I wish to use that button to display another window and also the main window should get closed or hidden. window_to_open = ChildWindow (self) 1. hide() (1) Don't make the second window a child of the first. It's because the sys. changeToRed. First window: from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_MainWindow(object): def openWindow(self): blank def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow 1. The program below creates a Dec 5, 2021 · 1. 2. class MainWindow(QtWidgets. – New2coding. Apr 7, 2017 · The ChildWindow class does not have the attribute to world, but you can access it through the parent() function, which returns the parent since you have used the following statement: self. If you intend to add another window, spawn another by creating a local variable ui2 or another object variable self. Every time I click it, the new window does open but the old (primary window) is still there. PyQt open another window. mainloop() a = Button(text="Click This", command=window2) a. I have this piece of code to instantiate my class and open my window without closing after the show method (because gc). QWidget, Ui_subVen1): Jul 17, 2017 · I am new to PyQt I have done some GUI programming in Tkinter, I am trying to learn how to open a new frame when I click a button. So if Dialog_01's Ok button is clicked the dialog_01 is closed and dialog_02 is opened. connect(subwindow. Thanks. form, in the first you pass as a parameter text, instead in the second None. Oct 15, 2023 · Another benefit of using the second method is the speed since you don’t need XML parsing to load the UI. Jul 26, 2021 at 15:29. I want a translation of something like this tkinter code to pyqt4 code Apr 10, 2019 · 4. Mar 13, 2015 · I have created a main window in PyQt which has a button. else: event. Then in the constructor you can check if an instance exists; if it does, then delete it and reset the variable. pushButton. close() You actually probably don't want to do this. Nov 14, 2017 · As your goal is to close the current window and open another window by pressing the button, then we must use the clicked signal of the button and connect them to both tasks as shown below: . QApplication(sys. Sep 17, 2014 · Usually most PyQt applications have such lines in main: app = QApplication(sys. See full list on pythonguis. QLabel widget. To close a window in PyQt5 we use the . from PyQt5. Close the window. fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8 (s): return s. width() (and the same goes for the height), so x and y will always be 0. To add a QLabel widget to your form, do the following: Open PyQt5 designer and choose the Main Window template. One possible solution is to use a layout to position the widget inside the window. Every time I had to close windows I used the method self. So we create the object, and hide the previous window with hide() and show the new window with show(). exec_()) does 2 things: run the GUI until you close all the GUI and close the program. Generally, the way this is done is to create a class derived from QObject that handles all the non-Qt data collection and move that into a separate thread using the worker model. If specified then the user interface is created in it. window = QMainWindow Closing window. exit(app. Mar 10, 2019 · A program is not a set of files, especially in OOP a program is the interactions of objects. I would like to close the window using my code. Dec 25, 2022 · Open a window and close a window in PyQt5. May 6, 2015 · Ahh, I just looked at this for a PyQt5 course I am developing. First, there are two calls to self. From that point on you can easily destroy the current window and create a new window. Data comes from another thread successfully I can change the text of label. ¶. try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore. Mar 4, 2013 · I don't have working knowledge on PySide, but your guess is close to the truth, in your add() method you're essentially overwriting the object variable self. exec_() However, if you want these to run from the same process, keep in mind that you can't have two app objects. py, in mainWindow i have a combobox where user can choose a server, i want, when user choose a server from combobox then then selected item (variable) will be sent to the connection. from PyQt6. In each window you will send a signal when you want to switch windows and it is up to this controller class to decide how to handle the signal when received and decide which window to show. We'll also take a quick talk about signals and slots. quit) One thing is to close the window and another is to exit the application. win = QWidget() instead of win = QWidget(). exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": main() As you have noticed, I allowed myself to change variable names you proposed. project_list) code = self. opening a new window. Aug 8, 2020 · I have one main window with pushbutton. Jun 26, 2021 · As mentioned in the title, when we use PyQt5 compose the interface, we often need another sub-window that is different from the main window. clicked. 36. (2) Keep a reference to the second window using an attribute: self. Aug 25, 2015 at 19:36. form = Main(None) to self. ttk import Button root = Tk() root. asked Nov 9, 2018 at 11:58. QDialog() dialog. new_project_window. (you can check it) Oct 16, 2017 · I have designed GUIs in MATLAB so its been a frustrating new experience. If Dialog_02's Ok button is clicked then dialog_02 is closed and dialog_01 is opened and so on. exit_button. py: from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets. I want to say thanks to you for taking out time and reading my code and helping me out a very handful of programmers do that. I have a script which has a login screen and if the cancel button is pressed, I want to exit the application altogether. – Petra. def main(): import sys. First it uses self. Now, I want to prevent windows switching from the second window to the first one. Now we’ll learn how to close a window through programming. Thank you! Here's the Apr 4, 2021 · Okay, I figured it out how to programmatically close the "Another Window" object: I added "return window" to the function: def open_newWindow(self): window = AnotherWindow() self. close) If you want to close the active subwindow from the mdi area (or outside of it) and no matter what that sub window is, just call self. dlg = QDialog(self) self. While running the program I am getting these lines as errors. hide() in the OP's example, because self is not a widget. close() It sets the exit code of your Python script to the exit code of the Qt app. Apologies for any idiocies or mistakes while posting this query on my part. or If we close the second file, How to refresh the first file fully. exec_()) at the end of the open_qt(self) method:. closerequested. e. w = MainWindow() File "untitled. Second, you probably want to put that call to runNewLib() at the bottom of newlib. NewProjectWindow(self. exec_(), it will not show the next window, maybe because next window uses progress bar. Screens has many components so I made a simple version to demonstrate my purpose. Jan 29, 2011 · So I've been creating my GUI with Qt for my Python application. 78 7. append(window) window. mdi. EDIT: In my main window, I've a button that calls my other window with this function: Feb 21, 2017 · The obvious candidate is the MainWindow class. window = MainWindow(); self. And the objects interact if they have the same scope, so both windows must be created in one place so that the information from one pass to the other. closeIt) Step2: Creating a function like to close: def closeIt(self): self. But either way I need to be able to open the login window through the Jun 19, 2016 · For child windows it would be better to inherit from QDialog (not QWidget) because the first one is designed specially for dialogs. answered Jul 26, 2021 at 15:24. I am able to open another window but when i am submitting the details on opened window and clicking on Submit Details button, nothing is happening. closeButton. I have tried 3 ways: sys. Second show dialog but don't wait, so to work properly you must set some slot/signals connections to respond for dialog actions. Dec 31, 2013 · Qt: how can one close a window upon another window closed by the user Hot Network Questions Old SF story about someone who detonated an atomic bomb, sacrificing self to save society from an evil government Oct 16, 2020 · 0. #7. ui with a newly loaded ui file. 1. Below is my code. openNew) and clearly you have to define openNew method which should open a new window and eventually close the old one. Here is the Image Link: Here is my code for main. ui. File "untitled. this line should be in your main Window class. show() Here the Ui_Dialog2 () represents that your are creating an object for new window (in your case creating object for Window1 for switch MainWindow to Window1 ) . stack. Make the start_clicked function a method of the class and either set the window with a parent window = QMainWindow(self) or keep a pointer to it self. global crud. May 21, 2021 · subwindow. I've now come to a situation where after a button has been pushed the appropriate deferred gets executed, we perform some tasks then I need to open up a separate window that contains one or two things. In the first window, there is a button to open the second window. When i click on pushbutton it should open another window which is having input form to take first name and last name. use this example: self. Please help me to seek out my problem. closeEvent = self. I am getting an issue when trying to open a PyQt window. You would probably want to structure Acceuil_start. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-. exec_() dialog. close() function on a webpage it removes the reference to the window but the window is physically there unless the user manually closes the window. MainWindow. edited Nov 9, 2018 at 12:05. answered Nov 23, 2021 at 13:27. The method you need is QDialog::exec(). close () method whenever needed. Add this code before sys. It opens your dialog as a modal window which will block the input for other application windows until it Aug 18, 2016 · This should give you the icon in the taskbar for this window back. PyQt Close window The simplest way to close a window is to click the right (Windows) or left (macOS) 'X' button on the title bar. I think: In your MainWondow subclass QMainWindow and you should get (be able to override) closeEvent(). exec_(): You could create a signal with a string argument, which would get emitted either on close of your main window, or in a method that emits the signal then closes the window (which is the way I would most likely choose myself). If you want to close an PyQt5 app from a menu: When menu event triggered call: self. thanks for the advice that I should not write any code in that instead create a class that inherits from above two class. argv) app. ignore() Another possibility is to use the QApplication 's aboutToQuit signal like this: app = QApplication(sys. Calling hide() or close() on the first window is the right thing to do. qApp. def new_project(self): self. But I can't seem to figure out how to create this new separate window. class MainPage(QMainWindow): main. In PyQt5, it is not so difficult to open another window. show() creates the Widget and then displays. Based on Natan's answer exitEvent Clicking 'Ok' button closes a currently opened dialog window and opens another. QtWidgets import (. Besides, it doesn't consider the origin of the screen, so it's always based on (0, 0) even if the screen starts from another x or y. px an lp vk cl ph ut mx cu wv
