Shadowhunters fanfiction jace hurts alec

"He's right. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Clary F. Drabble/Short scenes of various Shadowhunters characters. Well, there was one… "Jace is back. This, of course, does not make things better and Magnus Alec groaned as he pushed his way to an upright position with help from Jace. Shadowhunters Characters: Jonathan Christopher 'Jace' Wayland, Magnus Bane, Alexander Gideon 'Alec' Lightwood Jul 26, 2019 · Jace, after finding out that he was Clary's brother, had stopped speaking to her unless necessary. Their bodies were pinned togeher. Jace shook his head slightly, a silent way of telling her it was alright. Jace took hold of his Parabatai's upper arm and started leading him towards the door and away from the woman who was out for his blood, but Imogen's next words brought them both to an abrupt halt. Jace gasped at the pain and fear. And Jace was worried. Chapter 1. From quiet evenings at the fireplace with Dot, his evenings are now filled with loud music and ungodly noises. He brushed away Alec's tears and in that second pulled him in for a kiss. And Magnus is his doctor. He gives Catarina a weak smile, "Sorry for waking you. How Simon Saves the Day. Jace continues, "I don't know how things got messed up between us. "As always your parabatai has been fluttering around you with restless guilt. He was in terrible pain, he was embarrassed, he was afraid; afraid of the way his mother might act when he next saw her. "Sorry!" Isabelle said, sounding as scared as Clary felt. Afterglow of Victory By: Takara Phoenix. As soon as Jace was done, he heard Isabelle's scream. Jul 2, 2023 · Alec Lightwood is an amazing brother and Parabatei. Your life as a Shadowhunter will be over. " He clutched the vessel with both hands, shaking and slow to mask it. Alec wasn't even sure how the demon had gotten past it. No, Clary, that's a ridiculous idea", growled Alec firmly, arms crossed over his chest. " Jace and Magnus left the flat and walked off in different directions, picking up the pace as they looked for Alec. Magnus is the son of a powerful lord who wishes for the old days to return where the abuse of Omegas was accepted. But when they find out just what Valentine has done to this little girl, and how he's tried to destroy her warlock mark, Alec discovers a new kind of protectiveness within himself. Alec hadn't done this in a while. Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare. cover Alec called out, trying to pull his friend's mind from the nightmare it was trapped in "Jace!" He tried again, more forcibly. But instead of slapping, I wrote this little fix-it scene for that episode. Jace was curled against Alec's chest, those long arms holding him together as he shook, and at that moment, he was not the strong, fearless shadowhunter that everyone knew him as; he was a child, afraid of the man that raised him. Alec Believes Valentine By: deannaG. But I never wanted to hurt you. It started as a hookup and now his relationship with the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane, is something Alec's scared of losing. " Jace tried to reassure Alec. Language: English. Main Pairing: Magnus/Alec/Jace. But his Parabatai rune told him otherwise, and if he didn't start moving again he would lose him. Addicted to You, Hooked on Your Love. Under the blanket, Alec pulled Jace's arm over Izzy, and intertwined their fingers. We'll probably still be waiting in line when you get there. He took the dagger and cut one more line into his skin. " She smiles, "Sorry for cursing. Alec Lightwood-Bane is married to the love of his life and continues to change the world for the better as the Inquisitor. Magnus is worried. Alec grimaced at the burn of the rune and sting of the healing flesh. Let Your Sorrows Sleep, a shadowhunters fanfic | FanFiction. Enjoy. " Magnus poured a gulp into Alec's lips. What if Alec decided Jace was no longer worthy of being his parabatai? Inspired by the scene after the trial where Alec called Izzy his sister but not Jace's. Alternate take on the scene at the Seelie Court in episode 2x14! One that leads to a different change of relationships. Alec wanted to reach out and comfort Jace. Simon nodded in an absentminded consideration of that. Malec - War of Hearts By: Malec1096. With his family oblivious and pressures mounting from the Clave, his parents and the protection of the Warlocks. That was partly true; he also just wanted to see Alec When Alec gets hurt, the whole team sets out to find the one thing that can wake him from his Forsakened wound. "I'm sorry, I forgot. I promise. Aug 26, 2017 · Jace dying, without him, somewhere he couldn't reach. There is background Jace/Clary and Isabelle/Simon, but my focus is on Alec and Magnus. Summary: Prompt: Chess. He took Alec's hand into his and pulled him closer. The thought sent a pang through Alec's heart. Chapters 2: Jace punches a window and Alec is mad at him. "Alec, he's gone, he," Izzy paused to take a shaky breath to fortify herself as she came to stand infront of Alec and Jace, "Alec, Magnus is dead. He was still in his jeans and shirt, and deeply asleep. , Magnus B. Now, Clary and Jace will be tested like never before, and anything Tonight was not a good night for demon hunting. Honestly, he wanted to be mad at Clary for even bringing Simon to the park, but then Simon looked at Jace with the puppy-eyes and Jace could feel his mouth forming the words to agree and allow Simon to Alec sighed and sat down next to her. I don't want you being sent in after me in a 'rescue' mission from the Clave okay?" Alec grasped his little sister's shoulders, looking at her with firm eyes. A prickling sensation bloomed on her side, a chilling reminder of the And it was happening too often. As the head of the institute, Alec bravely undertook any mission, regardless of the danger. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed. Jace gave a killing blow by piercing the creature's heart. Rated M for future scenes. He hugged her long and tight and felt her shudder in his arms as the mask she'd been holding crumbled while she was held safe in his arms. May 10, 2019 · A hoarse, choked sound came from Jace at Alec's selfless words, almost as pain-filled as the noises Alec kept making, those little pants which seemed to pierce Magnus's skin in sharp, fiery slices that reminded him of the time he allowed himself to be a guinea pig for Catarina's new found interest in magical acupuncture. Izzy and Jace were trying to get in, but were being kept out by Magnus' wards. TV Shows Shadowhunters. " Clary runs to catch up with Lydia. Alec didn't say anything. May 15, 2024 · Shadowhunters Characters: Jace Herondale, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Lydia Branwell, Andrew Underhill, Clary Fray. And Jace was right, one day it was going to happen again. "Alec, I'm fine. A lot's happened, I was just taking a moment to…wallow. He'd raised Jace to be the best; the best fighter, the best Shadowhunter. Malec, fluffly/angsty ficlet. And now, the demon stalked its prey, slowly advancing on Alec as he tried to crawl towards the apartment door. Jace felt warmed at th gesture, at Alec's affection along with careful caution. So when Clary starts working at Java Jace's, the little coffee shop becomes the new hang-out for them and their friends. Alec glancedat Magnus, who started to walk out of the bed room. Unable to shake the dark days of his past, Alec Lightwood is starting over as a landscape designer in sunny Los Angeles, but his first big client isn’t making it easy. Alec turned off the lights, and pulled the blanket on all three of them. Part 3 of Hurt & Comfort Bingo (Multi-Fandom) 2024. May 6, 2019 · Jace POV. He would save Alec. Alec was punching the bag to let out all his frustrations. Maryse. Alec cringed at the sight of his friend, his heart aching at the screams of pain and fear. Which led to Jace, once again, trying to guide Simon through flirting and picking up someone. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - [Alec L. Set right after the season finale! Magnus, Alec and Jace return home to the loft together. His whole life was falling apart, Magnus and him broke up, Jace left with Valentine, Clary's mom tried to kill Jace. Mar 7, 2020 · Alec nodded his admittance. All the while, the two of them were drinking more and more, until, at one point, Simon admitted that he didn't want to pick up a girl, because girl had just ended real back. Immediately, Alec felt his fear and pain ebb. Jun 27, 2017 · TV Shows Shadowhunters. He looks at Alec, "Let's talk. Jace agrees, to escape his abusive father. Self harm By: catmrib. "Alec. " Magnus cut off with a derisive snort, dislodging some fragments of glitter as he roughly ran a hand Warily, Alec's small tongue poked through his lips and swirled around the tip of the golden haired boys dick. I wanted to start writing right after the episode ending but I'd had a headache most of the evening so I couldn't. Alec can't understand why Izzy and Jace have both betrayed him, can't understand why they are so angry at him he's only following the law, but sometimes honorable intentions go astray After the events of 1x09 (and part of 1x10) Alec is exhausted and falls into bed hoping to rest. "Look, get ready and meet us up there. Really mainly just a shit-ton of cuddles and the boys figuring out what TV Shows Shadowhunters. ] - Words: 3,964 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 87 - Follows: 29 AN: Episode three was amazing; I've always wanted to see more of Alec and Jace's bond. Jace goes to walk away, then stops. " Mar 23, 2024 · Clary stared at him, desperately etching his image into her memory. "But if he's hurt her . To love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed. But the best Shadowhunter wouldn't let his parabatai down like Jace had let Alec down. He walks through the loft and makes his way to the living room. Jace's yell brought him back to reality. Someone was trying to enter the institute. Aldertree looks up as Magnus stands over him. Magnus Bane, the hugely famous pop star, is a snippy, erratic, handsome mess. The last emotion Alec went through, after the just mentioned guilt, was compassion. " TV Shows Shadowhunters. "What? Did something happen with Warlock?" Jace looked over to Alec, then back to the road. I've never seen Alec like this before; isolating himself and confining himself to his room, it's not healthy and it's affecting him terribly. The Pain You Left Behind. " Tears fell from Alec's eyes, "I don't mean too - I just, I feel like this is my fault. He don't know how much longer he can do this. What Alec was home! The shadowhunter was lying face down on the bed, cheek smushed on the pillow, with his arms flung out to the side. " Alec nods. With a yelp, the wolf landed roughly on the ground whimpering as it was bleeding out. Choking, Alec stared up at Jace with his innocent blue eyes and Jace grinned, he started pulling Alec's hair so He was shaking. Let Your Sorrows Sleep By: Tupti. If something went wrong and Alec couldn't call, himself. I can't- I can't do it, Dad Shadowhunters Characters: Jonathan Christopher 'Jace' Wayland, Magnus Bane, Alexander Gideon 'Alec' Lightwood, Clarissa Adele 'Clary' Fray, Simon Lewis. Now, it only made him wonder what was going through his parabatai's mind. Aug 19, 2022 · A/N: Another Shadowhunters oneshots. *Kudos and comments will be highly appreciated <3*. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 926 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 12 - Published: Apr 24, 2016 This fanfiction on the other hand is entirely mine. We just got caught up in all this drama. " "We won't," Alec assured him. It was an accident…please don't use it again. Nov 20, 2016 · Jace watched in horror as the demon tackled Alec, sending them both tumbling over the side of the ship. He's looking for you," Alec told her. And to top it all, Alec had not seen nor heard from Magnus in two days. Lean on me By: WilliciaMcHart2015. Please don't push me away, Alexander. Clary had no one, and for that Alec felt worse. She didn't need people to die today, much less maimed. "I don't know. "We won't let anything happen to you, Jace. Alec is one of the few openly gay Shadowhunters. Jul 13, 2020 · This time it was Jace who spoke. Camille is sitting on the sofa, smiling at him. Summary: Direct take on episode 2x11 "Mea Maxima Culpa"! Just with a Malace-spin and a slight fix of certain dubious decisions made by Isabelle, Clary, Magnus, Jace and Alec. As the flowers grow, Alec discovers he’s not the only one with scars. "Magnus…please!" His cry for help was nothing but a desperate whisper and the hooded figure standing over him, tilted their head in inquisition before Alec's vision finally turned to black. He eats a bagel, his eyes focused on Alec's bedroom. Characters: Clary, Jace, Izzy, Alec. Magnus snorted cutting off Alec's confused rambling as he leapt of the couch so they were at eye level. Story #1: FRIENDLY FIRE Story #2: GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN Story #3: HITLER'S WARLOCKS Rogue warlocks kidnap and torture the Lightwoods. I could kill Magnus! Magnus fills two mugs with coffee then they sit down. Parabatai Pain by PenPatronus reviews. The young Shadowhunter ran and slung her brother's arm over her shoulder. Summary: Post 02x12 "You Are Not Your Own"! When Jace was freed from Valentine and from the City of Bones, he was damaged deep down. Alec scrambled back away from him, looking around desperately and snatched something that looked like an very old, possibly ancient, very heavy stone basin and passed it over to Maguns. Isabelle stood there frozen while Alec run to Jace's body. The next day he would go to training exhausted, only managing to get a couple hours of sleep. He just looked out the window. Betrayal of The Mind and Body By: kmc995. She howled in pain and swiped a giant paw towards Alec, sending him crashing into the wall. It was his. " He pulled his stele from his back pocket and activated his parabatai rune and then ran his stele over Alec's. Izzy catches the demon with her whip. A Kiss for the Queen By: Takara Phoenix. This was only half of what Alec was feeling. Jul 2, 2016 · Alec is an Omega who entered a political marriage with an Alpha who abused him so badly that he miscarried their child. Alec, her big brother, was slumped against the stone steps, unconscious. Jace is near fatally injured during one of Valentine's attacks on the institute as they fight warlock and his ravener demon familiar, he says something important to Alec,certain he will die that day only to realize he does not. I had been feeling Alec's pain through our parabatai rune all week now. Even after all this time, the institute was not able to fully recover. Magnus's fingers coiled around it desperately as he bent over, still fighting for breath as he shook and shuttered. He used to sit next to Isabel's crib during the night, holding her when she cried so that me and Robert wouldn't be awoken. They tried to think of Jace's favorite room – the weapons room. "She could have escaped. Also so pissed at the way Raj and Victor treated Magnus. There was also an ache, deep and slow, that meant Alec was in pain, both physically and mentally. Magnus walks over to Aldertree as Izzy steps in front of Alec again. "Izzy, I'm really sorry. Clary enters the training room, dressed in her training gear with her daggers sheathed at her thighs in thigh sheaths. He answered the phone, every muscle tense and every fibre of his mind concentrating on what the young shadow hunter was saying. Alec is distraught after his and Magnus' argument about the soul sword and the way Alec lied about it. **** Alec watched as Jace, his parabatai was led away by guards. Thunder shook the ground and lightning flashed across the sky. Jace gasped in sympathy seeing the giant purple bruise spreading across his brother Alec's voice shook, "It hurts. It doesn't take long before Luke is in so much pain and he has to take the werewolf pain away. He is the husband of Magnus Bane, is the adoptive father of Rafael and Max Lightwood-Bane, and is the older brother of Isabelle and Max, as well as the adoptive brother and parabatai of Jace Herondale. 'Stupid Clary and her family!' he thought 'Because of her I lost my parabatai. Alec wakes up in a strange world where he’s a sad, broken, lonely, angry and depressed man. " Alec told her. Lightning flashed once more and for a spit second Alec saw Max's broken body lying on the ground. Alec stumbled back in surprise hurt crashing over him like a tidal wave. Once he heard Jace's phone ring he snapped his shut and moved to leave, "Call me if you find Alec. He had been planning to call him about it but ended up calling Magnus instead, knowing that Alec would never admit to being hurt or needing help. There was a big stab wound on his chest – directly over his heart. And she's not answering her Hurt Jace Wayland. Alec rolls onto his side away from Magnus. His poor angel was so tired. "You always talk a lot," Alec commented from the sidelines. Alec was soaked to the bone from the rain and the mud kept him sliding across the ground. Title: Sometimes you need someone to hold you. In a political move, he is married off to the alpha king of a neighboring kingdom. And protect him from whatever was causing him this pain and anguish, He wanted to take him in his arms and give him his strength. He just got thrown off the dumpster and landed on his quiver. Dammit. Magnus told Jace that he needed Alec's Virgin Shadowhunter energy. Rated: Fiction K - English - Angst - Jace W. v. Too much work, too much of complaints from his mother, too much of everything really. - Words: 1,063 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 10 - Published: Feb 23, 2022 - Status: Complete - id Aug 30, 2017 · Java Jace's Jimon By: Takara Phoenix. Alec absolutely hates this guy, but he's also veeeeery attractive Jul 31, 2017 · That agony, that white hot pain, blurred Alec's mind, and he couldn't think clearly. "Typical you don't even know what you've done. May 28, 2022 · Alec avoided looking in his eyes, "I can't. He'd be so disappointed. It killed me knowing how much he was hurting and even more so that I couldn't take the pain away. If she refused to elaborate there was nothing he could say, not really. Alec had failed, he hadn't protected his brother like he promised, he hadn't been able to stop it. After Jace has vanished, Alec overexerts himself in his search for him. Alec's been trying to hold the feeling at bay, give the benefit of the doubt, but the tendrils were slowly but surely finding their way past the defenses he'd spent years building. Lean on me, a shadowhunters fanfic | FanFiction. Clary Fray Bashing. " Feb 4, 2017 · The beast hadn't seen him coming, and Alec's blade carved through fur and flesh, tearing a gaping wound in her side. The warlock brushed the other man's hair back and placed a kiss on his temple. COMPLETE An anthology of whump and hurt/comfort stories that feature the Jace and Alec bromance! Friendship, drama, angst, aftercare, family, brotherly love. His words came out strangled and warped, as he tried to get his hands to stop from shaking. Magnus waved his hands and closed it. Even though he is the High Warlock of Brooklyn, his magic and body does have limits. The instrument comes to life under Jace's fingers and on some days, Alec completely loses himself into the melody as it washes over him, gentler than anything he's ever experienced. I didn't think-" No one's p. Alec deals with his world crashing down around him whilst Apr 25, 2019 · Jace's throat was released, but Asmodeus moved to delight himself in the torture and take his frustrations out on Jace. Mundane AU - Simon and Clary are college students, best friends and roommates. " Jace nodded, "I know and I know I've let you down. Love, hope, and misery By: wolfypuppypiles. Izzy was almost asleep, thanks to pain killers, but whimpered softly as Alec placed ice under her ankle and drew runes. No demons, no siblings, no parents, just Jace and the girl he was so desperately in love with. Jace came in, wearing his most sullen expression, and made his way to the bed. POVs: Third person. Alec looked dead. Then I wanted to slap Jace even harder. Shadowhunters (TV) In the aftermath of the war, the New York Institute wants to strengthen its bonds to the local Downworlders by assigning permanent liaisons to each fraction. Now they were so close, Alec could feel Magnus's heartbeat on his skin. Izzy grabbed Alec's hand when the two of them paused on the steps of the Institute. Life couldn’t be happier. As Alec and Magnus were forced towards the doors, Alec watched in desperation as Asmodeus inflicted pain on Jace. What Jace doesn't know is that his fiance is his old childhood friend Alec. Jace surged forward, screaming, seraph blade raised. The feeling of betrayal was a harsh one. It had been a horrible day. Dec 25, 2017 · Alec screamed as Jace wrapped his arms around Alec's shoulders while Alec struggled to hold onto Magnus' body, Luke coming to help by prying Alec's fingers open so Raphael could lift the Warlock's body. I'm not- ""Look at me," he commanded gently. With a sigh, Magnus gets out of the bed. "No!" Dec 12, 2021 · Alec nods as Jace sighs, "Fine. " "You're getting She, Alec, Jace and Raphael were all standing around a table in the ops room, trying to find Izzy. o. "What…I don't". He sighed in contentment…. Now divorced, Alec's marriage prospects are thin after he lost a child. POV Jem Carstairs. Lightwood, and de-runing will be back on the table. The pain was burning in his arm, but at least it wasn't in his chest, because those feelings were a lot worse. "Magnus!" He couldn't move, he was fading fast, and his voice wasn't loud enough. " Jul 20, 2017 · Standing on the doorway when Alec opened the door. " Her eyes were barely open and there was blood soaked into Alec's shirt, leaving dark stains across his chest. "Alec!" The blonde rushed to the side, slamming his hands on the railing, and watched as his Parabatai disappeared into the water, still tangled with the monster that dragged him into the depths. A one-night-stand to take his mind off of things. Jan 25, 2017 · Other shadowhunters came to help but Jace waved them away as Alec laid Izzy down, gently pulling her arms from his neck and placing a hand underneath her head to ease her down into the pillows. Not a Failure. , Alec L. Alec throws the blade and it stabs Aldertree in the shoulder. Jul 28, 2017 · TV Shows Shadowhunters. Together they experience true love, hurt, pain, complications, happiness and intimacy. Heal him with his love and cure Jace so that he was strong again. But after his parents telling him what they really thought about him he Magnus whispered as he made a step towards Alec. When Alec was sixteen, he had a crush on his adopted brother Jace which only Izzy knew about. Secret Relationship. And the one time he had prioritized himself above all else – by getting a mate, by finding requited love – and he had ended up allowing Jace to get hurt. Alec is sleeping. " He nods. Jace yelped in pain, breath coming even quicker. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - [Alec L. " "She hasn't called. " He shook his head. " Jace lowered him to the floor and activated his healing rune while Magnus closed the wound with his magic. , Jace W. Alec continued to punch the bag when he heard Clary calling his name. After a few minutes, they parted, and Jace helped get Alec to his feet, supporting him under his shoulder. My broken heart hurts worse than these broken bones By: wolfypuppypiles. He eyes her nightgown, it's pink with huge yellow, purple and blue flowers, "Sorry about that nightgown. It should have been the most perfect evening. "Soooo, it seemes like Magnus has already given you your birthday present then," Jace coughed as Alec glared at him. Magnus jogged towards the nastier part of town, wincing every time his shoes splashing into a puddle. It hurts so bad. He'd really taken away two people if you thought about it. "We don't even know if he has her. Alec wanted to say yes, and tell Jace to go back to training, that he'd be fine. He wasn't fine. Simon appreciates it; and he appreciates the view - or, more precisely, the owner. Magnus rose his head and smiled. He wasn't fine at all. The shadowhunters world went white with pain as he fell to the ground, head smacking the stone floor. Language: The blood covered wolf jumped at Jace, who dodged easily, slashing the wolf again, this time hitting the neck. Alec Lightwood has been disowned by his wealthy parents for being gay, he is dragged on a double date by his sister Isabelle, where he meets the mysterious Magnus Bane. " He lightly rubbed his back in an attempt to sooth pain. How they managed to get to Jace's way-too-tidy room God only knew. Luke had turned his back on Clary after the news of Jocelyn's untimely death had gotten out. But locating the one thing that can save him, proves to be more difficult than anyone thought. "Alec!" Jace ran forward and caught his brother before he could fall through the portal himself. Jul 4, 2017 · TV Shows Shadowhunters. As time went by Alec had gotten over Jace and moved on. Magnus/Alec/Jace. Everything went white, all sound muted, as Jace's world tipped. Jace had always been his top priority. " Jace's golden eyes seemed to shimmer in the dim light of the training room; a year ago, this fact would have endeared him to Alec, fueling his feelings for him. "Take one more step, Mr. But he couldn't get the words out. Chess Pieces by Takara Phoenix. Just him and Clary. Alec, Jace and Clary must track down Valentine to find Madzie before the clock runs out on Clary's blood-oath. " "It's not and we will get Jace back. "Alexander. Jace knocked his hand away and drew up Alec's black shirt. . When they got home, Jace looked over at him. When a new neighbour moves in next to Alec, his whole life changes. Magnus laughed and returned to Alec, touching the death-cold cup to his lips. For all the agony that Alec could feel, Jace remained silent, his jaw locked as sweat broke out on his brow. Once Alec complied, he continued, "When things get bad, don't push me away. He wandered into the living room, followed by a very distressed Alec, who sat down on the nearest sofa, silence echoing through the apartment. Alec said, looking out the window. "No. In Dreams By: mandy-jai13. silk. And whispered into the darkness "I love to Alec". ABOverse - Jace is the middle child and omega son of King Valentine. Alec comforts Clary after training and she reveals her fears about the Twinning rune. Aldertree falls to the floor as the demon rises from him. Every ounce of her love, her fear, her desperation poured into the kiss. "Jace! Nov 22, 2017 · Jace asked, face falling into one of worry. Pairings: Clary, Jace. Jace fell in love with her, shattering Alec's all hope. basically Alec gets hurt a lot and Magnus heals him, a lot. Shadowhunters (TV), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare. Since queer The room is dark, it is still night, but something woke him up. '. So, when he gets hurt, he doesn't think he deserves Magnus' help, and hides it instead. Chapter count: 1. It didn't even garner a reaction. Not beta read, all mistakes are mine. Magnus works his way out of Alec's embrace. ] - Words: 572 - Reviews: 7 - Favs One night, Clary Fray is badly hurt in a fight with demons and isn't healing from a normal iratze rune. Chapter 1: Jem talks to a broken Matthew. He waited a few moments, watching as splashes Alexander "Alec" Gideon Lightwood-Bane, or simply known as Alec Lightwood, is a Shadowhunter and the current Consul of the the Clave. " Raphael added. He was laying on the ground, on a big puddle of blood. "I can feed myself, Magnus, really. Izzy sighed as she pulled up security camera footage to see who it was, and her blood ran cold at what she saw. " Alec nods, "I'm sorry too. Jan 16, 2019 · She seemed a little subdued as she watched him and Alec went to her and wrapped her in a hug, like he used to give Izzy, Jace and Max whenever they had nightmares. - Words: 1,649 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 12 - Published: Jul 5, 2016 - Status: Complete He knew why Jace would call. I'm sorry. Jace's shadowhunter training kicked in and his world snapped back into focus, all at once. The Rescue By: firenze21. He wasn't there. May 29, 2017 · Jace rubbed his ribs as he followed her over to the computers as they flashed with warnings. 15 years ago. But the wry smile on his face told them that he didn't really believe that. "I have to Iz, just tell Jace… Tell Jace that I'm sorry okay? Iz, just follow the rules when I'm gone. Magnus destroys it with a fireball. Clary shook her head at them and turned to Jace one last time. Without giving Alec any more of a chance for hesitation, Jace thrust his hips and his cock entered Alec's mouth uninvited. Alec has always been a caring person. " "Ok, that way, I Jace wanted to believe it, but he'd felt the devastation of every kill, every possession, every amount of pain the Owl had used him to commit as if he'd done it himself. Warnings: shounen-ai, polyamory (threesome), BDSM, spanking, hurt/comfort, fluff. Jace felt another wave of dizziness wash over him at the thought of his father. The shadow hunters themselves were not able to think clearly after so many dangers. But then came Clary who was also a shadowhuter and daughter of Robert's best friend. I just wanted to slap Alec so hard in "You are Not your Own". By killing Jocelyn he'd made Luke leave as well. She broke away, gasping for air. Jace shifted uncomfortably, trying not to look at Simon and his damned puppy-eyes. "I love you," she whispered, pulling him into a kiss. " Jace's voice was shaky and thin, his breaths coming quickly through the words. He didn't have to wonder for long. And it was, there was not a single con to the evening, but he just couldn't shift the deep sadness that weighed down his heavy heart. "Yeah. The characters are not, they belong to Cassandra Clare. The older boy bit his lip, searching for a solution. Alec didn't look up at him but his tense shoulders told Jace he noticed him there. Daylight and Sunshine. Alec and Jace both seek out comfort, Magnus and Alec both seek a solution for how to properly fix their relationship. Jace pulled Alec into a tight, bone or, retelling of shadowhunters if Alec had met Magnus before Clary joined. And this got the young Nephilim worried. Then a demon attack changes everything. Jace becomes the liaison to the vampire clan and thus starts spending much more time with the mated Alpha clan-leader pair, Raphael and Simon. "God, Alec, I'm so sorry. Simon/Jace slash. Summary: Sometimes you need someone to hold you. Jace playing the piano is one of the few distractions Alec allows himself and sometimes Jace realises just how inordinately pleased he feels about that. No Longer Worthy By: StarTraveler. "Magnus we need you. Jace is the middle child and omega son of King Valentine. Jace and the other shadowhunters don't know what's wrong, but then, Clary is fine, but the after effects of the attack aren't over, for soon, things take a turn for the worst. Not since he met Magnus. Jace Wayland Needs A Hug. But the wave of sorrow threatened to drown her. When they entered, they were shocked. en in as ku kc iv ok ov yz vh